Pennsylvania Citizens for Better Libraries
In cooperation with the trustees and staff of the Free Library of Northampton Township, we, The Friends of the Free Library of Northampton Township, will support and encourage the library to be a resource for lifelong learning. We sponsor programs for children and adults, provide money and special items when funds are not available in the regular library budget, support library volunteerism, and focus public attention on library services, programs, and needs.
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eBay Sales for Charity: Pennsylvania Citizens for Better Libraries
182 item(s) that benefit this charity
- Roger Tory Peterson Field Guides, 44 Vols., Leather, 50th Anniversary Edition$350.00
- Our Birds and Their Nestlings by Margaret Coulson Walker [1904]$20.00
- Roddy's Elementary Geography by H. Justin Roddy, 1902, American Book Company$9.99
- Scraps from the Prison Table at Camp Chase and Johnson's Island, Barbiere, 1868$250.00
- A Treatise on Clock and Watch Making - Thomas Reid - US Edition 1832 with Plates$250.00
- Currier & Ives: Picture History of the Civil War - 48 Full Color Lithographs$60.00
- Ben Franklin An Affectionate Portrait Nelson Beecher Keyes 1956 HC Hanover House$8.00
- The Assassination of President Kennedy Report of the Warren Commission 1964$10.00
- The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway, 1953, Scribner's, HC/DJ$15.00
- Dr. Seuss Storytime 4-Book Boxed Set, 1974 HC, Random House$125.00
- The Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain, Vol. 2 American Artists Edition, Harper$10.00
- What Is Man? by Mark Twain, Vol 12 American Artists Edition, Harper & Bros$10.00
- Handbook for the Jewish Family by Alex J. Goldman, HC 1962$9.00
- Americans on Everest, James Ramsey Ullman, 1964, 1st Edition$10.00
- The Amusements of Old London, William B. Boulton, 1969 Reissue, 2 vol. in 1 book$25.00
- Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak, 1958 Pantheon HC, No DJ$10.00
- Classic Horror Stories, Barnes & Noble Exclusive, 2015 HC, Poe Lovecraft Stoker$17.00
- Machinery’s Handbook 12th Edition 2nd Printing Industrial Press NY 1944$15.00
- The Praeger Picture Encyclopedia of Art, 1960 HC/DJ$10.00
- Suleymanname : The Illustrated History of Suleyman the Magnificent by Esin Atil$25.00