Social Media Ministries
Social Media Ministries Mission:
To use social media to present the living Word of God to as many people as possible and to help them understand and interpret the scriptures in the Bible.
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eBay Sales for Charity: Social Media Ministries
23 item(s) that benefit this charity
- THE WAY The Living Bible ILLUSTRATED 1st Printing 1972$49.99
- The Open Bible New American Standard Red Letter Ed 1979 Thomas Nelson Leather$39.99
- Niv, Quest Study Bible, Leathersoft, Brown, Comfort Print - by Zondervan$29.99
- Open Bible Here's Life Edition Nelson 1979 World Changers Edition New American S$39.99
- The Ryrie Study Bible NAS Bonded Leather Red Letter MOODY PRESS Burgundy 1978$19.99
- Mom's Devotional Bible Zondervan 1996 Softcover New International Version NIV$12.00
- New Testament : An Expanded Translation by Kenneth S. Wuest (Hardcover) 1989$19.99
- Wuest - Word Studies In The Greek New Testament - Volume III - Hardcover 1989$9.99
- Thus Saith God's Word By Dorothy Weyman - Paperback - Spiral Bound - 1977$9.99
- Nelson Holy Bible Revised Standard Version 1952 Red made in USA$9.99
- Holy Bible Seminars Unlimited KJV Giant Print Red Letter Study Helps$9.99
- The Chronological Bible KJV King James Version Edward Reese 1977 Large Print$29.00
- Kenneth Copeland Personal Notes Edition New Testament-KJV by Copeland, Kenneth$9.99
- The Kenneth Copeland Word Of Faith Study Bible Modern English Larger print$19.00
- 100 Most Important Bible Verses for Mothers by W Publishing Group (2006,...$5.00
- Prayers on Fire : 365 Days Praying the Psalms by Gretchen Rodriguez and Brian...$5.00
- Treasure Principle : Unlocking the Secret of Joyful Giving by Randy Alcorn...$5.00
- Promise Code : 40 Bible Promises Every Believer Should Claim by O. S. Hawkins...$5.00
- The Code Ser.: Bible Code : Finding Jesus in Every Book in the Bible by O. S....$5.00