Washington, DC Chapter NRHS
Expanding the Public Appreciation of Railroads and their History through Preservation and Education
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eBay Sales for Charity: Washington, DC Chapter NRHS
60 item(s) that benefit this charity
- History of RAILROADS IN AMERICA - by Oliver Jensen 1981 edition$12.00
- MILWAUKEE ROAD WEST by Charles R & Dorothy M Wood - 1972 - 1st ed.$27.99
- The LOCOMOTIVES THAT BALDWIN BUILT - by Fred Westing - 1966$12.99
- THE LAST LINE A Streetcar Named St Charles by A Perez & Associates - 1973$21.00
- 1974 Amtrak Timetables - four$19.99
- 1969 PENN CENTRAL Employee Timetables No. 3 & 4 and Material Regulations$18.00
- 1948-50 MICHELIN ROAD MAPS NO. 21, 23, 24, 26 SWITZERLAND and surrounding area$44.99
- THE BIG FOUR by Oscar Lewis - 1938 story of the building of the Central Pacific$19.99
- BLUEBERRY EXPRESS - History of the Suncook Valley RR$22.99
- BLUEBIRDS & MINUTEMEN; BOSTON & MAINE 1974-1984 - by Tom Nelligan - 1986$29.00
- OFFICIAL GUIDE of the RAILWAYS - June 1969 Golden Spike Centennial Issue$14.00
- MA & PA: HISTORY OF THE MARYLAND & PENNSYLVANIA RR by George Hilton - 1966$14.00
- 50 YEARS OF PROGRESSIVE TRANSIT - History of the Toronto Transit Comm by Bromley$19.00
- SANTA FE - FRED HARVEY Service - dinner menu & beverage list - 1968$19.99
- RAILROAD - FREEWAY; Metrolink, Metro Rail & Amtrak by Edward Simburger$15.00
- the MAINE TWO-FOOTERS by Linwood Moody - w/ maps - 1959$24.00
- EARLY BRITISH STEAM - 1825-1925 The First Hundred Years - Magna Books$12.00
- AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVES: AN ENGINEERING HISTORY 1830-1880 by John H White Jr. 1968$49.00
- THE GREAT ROAD by James Dilts - hardcover - 1993$25.00
- WESTWARD TO PROMONTORY by Barry B Combs - 1969$24.00